Hydrothermal Vents


Using a Venn Diagram compare and contrast the ecosystems in Hydrothermal Vents.  Then use your completed diagram to help you write a summary of this week's story.


Think and Compare

1. Skim pages 12-14 of Hydrothermal Vents.  How is the food chain at hydrothermal vents different than food chains everywhere else?


2. If you could visit only one which would you rather visit, a coral reef or a hydrothermal vent?


3. Scientists from all over the world continue to explore the vents.  What do the Scientist hope to learn from the vents?


Report on a Discovery

A newspaper reporter was on the boat with the scientists when hydrothermal vents were discovered.  Pretend you are that reporter and you work for the DAR.  Write a newspaper article telling about the discovery.