
Lili Kiat

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 5 months ago


Using an Inferences Word Web make inferences about Lili and what she learned about the grape boycott.  Use what you have learned to write a summary about the story.


Think and Compare

1. Read pages 2-3 in Lili Kiat.  What did Lili's actions tell you about her character?


2. Think about a time when you had to make a difficult choice.  Could you defend your decision now?  What advice would you give Lili?


3. Lili takes a risk to do what she thinks is right.  Is this a common way for people to behave?  Explain.


Dear Lili

Write a letter to Lili Kiat.  Tell her how you feel about what she did when she supported the grape pickers.



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