
Marie Curie

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 7 months ago


Using Drawing Conclusions Chart record clues and conclusions about Marie Curie and her work.  Use the information from your chart to summarize what Marie accomplished in her life.


Think and Compare

1. Skim pages 2 and 3, then draw conclusions about why Marie Curie's work is so important for us today.


2. Do you think Marie showed wisdom by experimenting with radium without knowing of its dangers?  Explain.


3. Marie served as a role model for women back in her day.  Who is an outstanding role model for you today?  Explain why you choose this person.


Present an Award

Pretend you are giving an award to Marie Curie for one of her accomplishments.  Write a speech you would give at the presentation ceremony.  Be sure to tell why Marie is getting this award.

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