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Unit One
The Mystery of the Missing Lunch
A Walk in the Desert
Animals Come Home to Our National Parks
The Astronaut and the OnionThe Astronaut and the Onion
The Raft
Unit Two
Mighty Jackie: The Strike-out Queen
My Diary from Here to There
Stealing Beauty
How Ben Franklin Stole the Lightning
Dear Mr. Winston
Unit Three
Roadrunner's Dance
My Brother Martin
Kid Reporters at Work
Mystic Horse
Snowflake Bentley
Unit Four
Dear Mrs. LaRue
The Blind Hunter
The Power of Oil
Adelina's Whales
At Home in the Coral Reef
Unit Five
Because of Winn-Dixie
Ranita, The Frog Princess
Exploring the Undersea Territory
Me and Uncle Romie
Wild Horses
Unit Six
The Gold Rush Game
The Cricket in Time Square
Meet a Bone-ified Explorer
My Brother's Flying Maching
The Life and Times of the Ant
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The Corps
Mrs. Carson's Webpage
Study Island
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