Three Tricky Tales


Using an Author's Purpose Map record the clues from one of the tales.  Then use these clues to tell the author's purpose for writing the tale.


Think and Compare

1. Skim page 15 of Three Tricky Tales, the author says that the turtle "tottered and swayed."  What do you think is the author's purpose for using these words?  Do you think the author's purpose was accomplished?  Explain why or why not.


2.  In "The Monkey and the Tiger," the monkey says that she was the king's guardian.  Was this trick funny or mean?  Explain why you thought is was funny or mean.


3. In each tale, one character interferes with another and by the end learns a lesson.  Which lesson was the most important?  How does this lesson apply to a real life situation?


Write a Letter

Pretend you are a character who was tricked in one of the tales.  Write a letter to the animal who ended up tricking you.  Tell the animal how you felt, whether you think the other animals was right in tricking you, and what you will do the next time you see the other animal.